Arielle Norman Returns: Growth in Motion

September 30, 2017

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Urgent Time Sen­si­tive PSA: Arielle Nor­man is appear­ing in the Alter­ca­tion Com­e­dy Fes­ti­val, Sat­ur­day, Sep­tem­ber 30th at 9pm, at Kick Butt Cof­fee. She’ll also be head­lin­ing Punch Com­e­dy on Tues­day Octo­ber 3. Get out and see her, and sup­port come­di­ans and per­form­ers from Austin and around the nation!

At Com­e­dy Wham we have a short list of dear friends (aka those comics of which we are super fans and gra­cious­ly allow us to inter­view them more than once), and Arielle Nor­man is def­i­nite­ly among them. 

Since we last (offi­cial­ly) spoke with Nor­man, in Sep­tem­ber 2016, her star has con­tin­ued ris­ing and she’s had a blur of per­son­al and pro­fes­sion­al growth. Nor­man got mar­ried, con­tin­u­ous­ly evolved her The Off Script Show, appeared in the new sea­son of Stand Up Empire, and per­formed in mul­ti­ple fes­ti­vals and toured the US. (She’s also begun wean­ing her­self off cof­fee, per­haps the least Austin thing one can do.) 

The Off Script Show remains a unique endeav­or: a show where heck­ling is not only allowed, but is the order of the day. It’s a per­fect reflec­tion of Norman’s work eth­ic and strat­e­gy, open­ing her­self to chal­lenges and growth oppor­tu­ni­ties to fur­ther bul­let-proof her skills and per­for­mance pos­ture.

Norman’s own pod­cast about com­e­dy, Lead­ing the Blind, is near­ing its first year mark. Much like our own Com­e­dy Wham, we share a his­to­ry rich with com­mon Austin com­ic guests. But Lead­ing the Blind dif­fers in style by tak­ing a deep­er, ana­lyt­i­cal look at build­ing com­e­dy careers and shows. Because of our mutu­al inter­est in the Austin com­e­dy scene, we dig into trends, changes, and prospects. And then spice things up by talk­ing about what we’ve learned from inter­view­ing comics who make the scene one of the best in the country.

Nor­man just launched a new pod­cast, Gen­der Flu­ids, with local come­di­an Austin Smartt. Gen­der Flu­ids promis­es an irrev­er­ent and decid­ed­ly explic­it look into gen­der and sex.

Like many of our guests, Arielle Nor­man is going to be spend­ing some time in Los Ange­les soon, in her con­tin­ued pur­suit of self-explo­ration and growth, but she assures us that she’s still going to be present and active in the Austin scene for as long as we’ll have her.

Keep up with Arielle Norman’s exten­sive appear­ances, shows, and projects at Ariel​leNor​man​.com. Fol­low her on Twit­ter, and alter­nate your intro­spec­tive comedic pod­cast deep dives between Com­e­dy Wham and Norman’s amaz­ing Lead­ing the Blind and the new Gen­der Flu­ids. Get your free piz­za, prizes, and (wink wink) drinks on with her Thurs­days at The New Move­ment The­atre for the Off Script Show. The next one is Octo­ber 5th; see you there!

Arielle Norman