Arielle Isaac Norman, Volume 3: Zen But Angry

August 20, 2024

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Arielle Isaac Norman

On challenging audience expectations

Norman relishes in challenging audience expectations, particularly when it comes to discussing controversial topics with nuance and compassion. She sees herself as occupying a unique position to showcase respectful disagreement and debate, aiming to demonstrate that one can engage in difficult conversations without resorting to polarization or hostility.

I don’t like peo­ple mak­ing things black and white, that aren’t black and white.
Arielle Isaac Norman
On slowing down

Norman tells us how she slowed down during the pandemic. Hint: it involved van life, climbing, and hiking.

The pandemic.…it slowed things down, and.…in some ways, that’s a good thing.
Arielle Isaac Norman
On having healthy debates

Norman is a fan of healthy debates and sees them as a crucial means of understanding different perspectives and bridging societal divides. She believes in the power of face-to-face discussions to reveal common ground, even among those with seemingly opposing views.

I want to find peo­ple I real­ly dis­agree with
Arielle Isaac Norman
And her new special...

Norman's Ellen Degenderless special, released in April, 2024, serves as both a calling card and a catalyst for her career, allowing her to showcase her nuanced perspective on gender issues while also opening doors to new opportunities. It's a great way for her to share something with new fans, and gave her the freedom to explore her newest mission: becoming a Youtube star.

Fol­low Arielle:

Arielle can be seen and heard:

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