Andy Kindler is Back

April 14, 2024

Photo Credit

Susan Maljan

2024 Moontower Comedy Festival Series

The 2024 Moontower Comedy Festival is blessing us with 2 weeks of comedy, film, live podcast, and afterparties. Comedy Wham is featuring our favorite conversations from this year's festival. Enjoy!

This is a shorter article than normal (for Valerie) because we're making Andy our feature Moontower performer this week. The April 18th edition of the Austin Chronicle will feature an article by Valerie about Moontower and Andy's return. And we're also releasing our album review of Andy's 2020 debut special Hence the Humor. You won't be able to escape us raving about Andy this week!

Andy’s back and bet­ter than ever. And we tru­ly mean that. He’s bet­ter than ever because he stayed home the entire­ty of the COVID lock­down. So much so that his role Mort on Bob’s Burg­ers was record­ed from a home stu­dio and his State of the Indus­try pre­sen­ta­tion at Just For Laughs Mon­tréal was deliv­ered (à la Tupac) by hologram.

We’re thrilled that Kinder is mak­ing his long-antic­i­pat­ed return to Moon­tow­er Com­e­dy Fes­ti­val. You’ll get plen­ty of chances to see him on show­cas­es dur­ing Club week­end of Moon­tow­er. He’s also plan­ning to pre­pare for the tap­ing of his sec­ond spe­cial, so you’ll still get your chance to watch him pre­pare the spe­cial at The Andy Kindler Hour. Final­ly, you’ll get to see the Andy Kindler Par­tic­u­lar Show, which he curates.

I’ve sat across a table with him for our orig­i­nal inter­view in 2018. I’ve watched in utter delight to him on Para­mount The­ater’s stage with his long-time friend Tig Notaro. I’ve chat­ted with him via Zoom for his return inter­view. I can say with­out ques­tion that Kindler’s fre­net­ic pace of think­ing is authen­tic. He’s noth­ing if not con­sis­tent when it comes to jump­ing from hap­haz­ard thought to hap­haz­ard thought. It’s charm­ing and also mild­ly alarm­ing, but he knows it’s a lit­tle bit of both. Kindler – appro­pri­ate­ly – shares I have nev­er learned not to overshare”. 

I have never learned not to overshare
Andy Kindler

Said over­shar­ing ten­den­cies are evi­denced by the shar­ing of names of comics and humans he’s not a fan of. I went so far as to ask his man­ag­er if I should edit those names out, and we both laughed because, after all, this is Kindler we’re talk­ing about. A com­ic, a leg­end, who spent years roast­ing fel­low comics as part of his JFL (RIP for now) State of the Indus­try isn’t about to stop roast­ing oth­ers after a career that spans near­ly 40 years. I was­n’t going to do the math because as evi­denced by this inter­view, Kindler does­n’t take too kind­ly to math, either. Noth­ing is sacred.

Kindler had orig­i­nal­ly planned to record his 2nd spe­cial as part of the 2024 Moon­tow­er Com­e­dy Fes­ti­val, but decid­ed he’d sim­ply prac­tice and take it easy for his return to Austin. He plans to record the spe­cial lat­er this year and we can’t wait. Hence the Humor, his debut spe­cial released 29 years into his career is an incred­i­ble time cap­sule of Kindler’s. His pac­ing is rapid-fire, the direc­tion, well, it’s a bit all over the place (but that’s what you expect), and you sim­ply can­not tell if some­thing is a bit, or if he is tru­ly caught off guard by ele­ments in the room. No spoil­ers (but head over to our review of the album).

Lest you think that Andy only thinks about Andy, he was charm­ing dur­ing our Zoom chat. Ask­ing for my take about the Austin com­e­dy scene, and going so far as to sug­gest I start a new spin­off pod­cast called Math and Cof­fee” (lis­ten to the episode for con­text). I’m not sure if that will work with my usu­al com­e­dy audi­ence targets.

If you’re weren’t mak­ing plans to watch him at Moon­tow­er Com­e­dy Fes­ti­val, it’s time to revamp your sched­ule. For all the big things Kindler does (Bob’s Burg­ers, Tosh.0, Com­ing to the Stage, Last Com­ic Stand­ing, etc), Kindler is per­son­able, charm­ing, and nev­er flouts just how much of a big deal he is. Which is exact­ly why we can nev­er get enough of him. 

Fol­low Andy

Andy can be seen and heard:

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Andy Kindler