Abby Rosenquist: Jokes With a Twist

May 30, 2016

Abby Rosenquist’s per­for­mance Matt Bearden’s Piran­ha show dur­ing Moon­tow­er is still etched into my brain. I didn’t think a come­di­an, who almost comes across bash­ful, would have a brain har­bor­ing a bru­tal­ly dark sense of humor, but it’s true. Oh, it’s damn true and she didn’t take any flak from Matt Bear­den and his panel.

Orig­i­nal­ly from San Anto­nio, you’d think Rosen­quist would’ve just head­ed north to Austin. She missed the exit(s) and end­ed up in col­lege in Nebras­ka just after the dias­po­ra of Cody Hus­tak, Adam Hra­bik and Ryan Cown­ie – three Nebras­ka natives who col­lec­tive­ly packed up their belong­ings and head­ed to Austin rough­ly 5 years before Rosen­quist start­ed doing open mics.

For­tu­nate­ly for us here at Com­e­dy Wham, Valerie man­aged to catch the ever busy Abby Rosen­quist in some down time and get some inter­view time. Nat­u­ral­ly part one deals with Rosenquist’s past and how she got into per­form­ing stand up com­e­dy and her even­tu­al relo­ca­tion to Austin.

Abby Rosen­quist Pt1: The Past

In part two, Abby Rosen­quist parlay’s her pro­fun­di­ty of the dark and awk­ward nether­world of com­e­dy and lands a cohost gig with Mar­tin Urbano on a lit­tle show­case called The Damned Dirty Filthy Show at Nasty’s.

Abby Rosen­quist Pt2: Current

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, Abby Rosen­quist may not be long for Austin that doesn’t mean you can’t keep up with her activ­i­ties, projects and shows. All you need to do is fol­low @abbyrosenquist on Twit­ter. Be sure to fol­low Valerie Lopez and of course, Com­e­dy Wham as well.

Abby Rosenquist