Aaron Brooks Does Austin

July 26, 2015

Aaron Brooks has jokes and he’s telling around town.

St. Louis to Austin

Ear­ly on Aaron Brooks was a fan of stand-up com­e­dy. He drew his influ­ences from the likes of George Car­lin, Bill Cos­by and Richard Pry­or whose sto­ry telling style of com­e­dy hit him in the right spot. In Decem­ber, 2009, he got on stage for the first time at Com­e­dy Etc., a com­e­dy club in a hotel known for hav­ing a T.G.I Fri­day’s in it.

After get­ting his feet wet in the St. Louis Com­e­dy scene, Brooks had a moment of clar­i­ty. He knew that in order to grow his bur­geon­ing com­e­dy career, he had to beat feet to green­er pas­tures and bet­ter oppor­tu­ni­ties. He moved to Austin.which has been a stop­ping point for way­ward joke­sters for some time now. Venues like Cap City Com­e­dy Club, The Velv Com­e­dy Lounge, a cre­ative and wel­com­ing envi­ron­ment has fos­tered a healthy com­e­dy scene where per­form­ers can find a show almost every night of the week.

Hard Work Pays Off

Brooks & Palum­bo co-host Jazz Cig­a­rette (Cred­it: Erin Holsonbach).

Since the move, Brooks has been fea­tured on key show­cas­es like Punch!, and Sure Thing. He’s per­formed at The Velv Com­e­dy Lounge and Cap City Com­e­dy Club. He’s been a part of com­e­dy fes­ti­vals and has par­tic­i­pat­ed in the Fun­ni­est Per­son in Austin con­test. Cur­rent­ly, Aaron Brooks can be found co-host­ing the stand­ing room only Jazz Cig­a­rette Show with Dan­ny Palum­bo at The Spi­der House Ball­room. He also does a pret­ty good dead Elvis impersonation.

Brooks’ hard work has paid off. Over the next cou­ple weeks, he’ll be rock­ing a series of shows around town. Brooks is one of those come­di­ans who is able to grab your atten­tion, hold it, and take you for a ride. You can hop on that church van of com­e­dy by catch­ing one of these show:

  • 727: Jazz Cig­a­rette (host­ing) at The Spi­der House Ball­room 9:30 PM
  • 729: Buzz Kill at the Buzz Mill, 9:00 PM
  • 731 — 81: Head­lin­ing The Velvee­ta Room, 9:00 PM and 11:00 PM
  • The Velvee­ta Room shows will be a good time. The venue is on 6th and Red Riv­er, rocks a full bar and has a cool vibe to it.

    There’s Plen­ty of Aaron to Go Around

    Aaron Brooks’ upcom­ing schedule

    Aaron Brooks will be per­form­ing the shows at The New Move­ment The­ater and Velvee­ta Room with Sara June. I had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to see her host for Matt Bear­den a cou­ple of weeks ago and she was sol­id. The pair­ing of June and Brooks is like Aaron Franklin and bbq or peanut but­ter and jel­ly. Well, you get it.

    Tick­et infor­ma­tion can be found on each venue’s web­site. For more infor­ma­tion about Aaron Brooks and his pod­cast, Stay Won­der­ful, vis­it his web­site.

    You can fol­low Com­e­dy Wham on Twit­ter: @ComedyWham