2015 Funniest Person in Austin Week 4 Round Up

May 3, 2015

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The 2015 Fun­ni­est Per­son in Austin Week Four pre­lims end­ed just as strong as pre­vi­ous weeks. Being caught up with the Moon­tow­er Com­e­dy Fest threw me off kilt a bit so I apol­o­gize for this last minute round up.

Sun­day 4/26/15: Round 9

Lashon­da Lester, Allie Amrien and Son­ny Castil­lo moved on the the Semi-Finals in the con­est. and David McQuary grabbed the alter­nate spot. I know Lashon­da Lester and I am hap­py that she advanced. She’s a busy bee as well. Lashon­da curates the month­ly True Hol­ly­wood Tales show at the Sal­vage Van­guard The­ater and has been fea­tured in many show­cas­es around town. The Detroit Dias­po­ra par­tic­i­pant also isn’t scared to do stand up in the val­ley where the para­noid wives of Amer­i­can oil com­pa­ny work­ers pack .38 Spe­cials in their garter belts.

[youtube https://​www​.youtube​.com/​w​a​t​c​h​?​v​=​d​k​N​H​0​f​E​-​1​f​o​&​w​=​560&​h=315]

Mon­day 4/27/15: Round 10

Andrew Cook­sey, Jon Men­doza and Allen Edwin Butt grabbed the Semi-Final spots, with Michael Foulk earn­ing the alter­nate spot. Jon Men­doza is one of those joke tellers I love to lis­ten to. Like Cody Hus­tak and Ali Safar, Men­doza­’s set up and deliv­ery are clean and sim­ple. It’s his tim­ing and word play that makes the judges want him to move up in the competition.

Michael Foulk is anoth­er New Move­ment The­ater alum­ni who’s met suc­cess in the Fun­ni­est Per­son in Austin com­pe­ti­tion this year. Along with Mar­tin Urbano, Vanes­sa Gon­za­lez, Ella Gale… and you know what? Just read my pre­vi­ous entries in this series. Foulk is a tal­ent­ed sketch per­former with Bad Exam­ple and has costarred with Lisa Frei­drich in the indy thriller, Meet Me There.

Tues­day 4/28/15: Round 11

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Andrew Mur­phy, Ker­ri Lendo and Tafadzwa Gwaze scored those sweet Semi-Final envelopes. Cody Green­lee earned the alter­nate spot. Lendo is com­ing off a pret­ty suc­cess­ful Moon­tow­er run. She was fea­tured on one of the Four Eyes shows at the Vuclan Gas Com­pa­ny and host­ed for Maria Bam­ford at the Stateside.

Tafadzwa Gwaze is anoth­er come­di­an I’ve seen around town. He takes a new approach to race rela­tions and mix­es it togeth­er with a healthy dash of off beat pop cul­ture ref­er­ences. I dig it and want to see him per­form more.


Tonight kicks of the final week of the 2015 FPIA pre­lims. Tick­et infor­ma­tion can be found online at Cap City’s web­site or over the phone at 4672333.

If you want to con­tact me here at Com­e­dy Wham, the email is David@​Comedywham.​com or hit me up on twit­ter: @comedywham.