Avery Moore Paints Austin Silver and Black

February 25, 2017


Avery Moore. Avery Reed Moore is one of those peo­ple who you just want to hang out with to see what hap­pens. One way you can do this is by watch­ing Fun­ni­est — a doc­u­men­tary which has been well doc­u­ment­ed on Com­e­dy Wham about Cap City Com­e­dy Club’s Fun­ni­est Per­son in Austin Con­test. I’m get­ting ahead of myself, though.

Moore, who hap­pens to be the sil­li­est of three kids, has always been a fan of the­ater and the per­form­ing arts. She got involved in musi­cal the­ater in ear­ly ele­men­tary school which led to her land­ing a job with a the­ater group trav­el­ing to local schools and putting on plays for students.

Com­e­dy Wham Presents: Avery Moore

In 2009, she was invit­ed to open for a com­e­dy show at an all ages venue in the Alamo City. She wrote 10 min­utes of mate­r­i­al, invit­ed her friends, and loved it but the club closed not long after since it was actu­al­ly licensed to be a sex shop. Soon after she became involved with the Riv­er City Com­e­dy Club. Riv­er City is a com­e­dy club in a mall which means the audi­ences can be a bit… well, a bit eclec­tic. With Moore being one of only two female come­di­ans at the time, and hav­ing an out of the box style com­e­dy, audi­ence reac­tions were hit or miss at the beginning.

Like all of our inter­views, Avery Moore packed up her hard­core San Anto­nio Spurs fan­dom and moved to Austin where things took off. Over the years, she’s become a favorite on shows like Punch! and Sure Thing, host­ed for both Jim­my Par­do at Cap City, and Maria Bam­ford dur­ing Moon­tow­er Com­e­dy Fest. She’s also par­tic­i­pat­ed in the Fun­ni­est Per­son in Austin Con­test, been fea­tured in the relat­ed doc­u­men­tary, and will be open­ing for Louie Ander­son for his Texas tour dates.

While Moore does­n’t have her own web­site, our friends at Last Gas Com­e­dy have you cov­ered for her upcom­ing shows and appearances.

Avery Reed Moore