Katie Stone: Unfiltered For Your Pleasure

November 3, 2016


You know those parts of past rela­tion­ships that dri­ve you insane? The parts which would help so many peo­ple if they could hear them and just under­stand that what they’re going through is not unique, and they have the pow­er with­in them to effect change for the bet­ter? You know how you keep your expe­ri­ences to your­self, because they seem too embar­rass­ing, and no one could pos­si­bly relate? Katie Stone does­n’t do that.

Whether you fol­low the warped mag­ni­fy­ing glass of her Twit­ter feed, read her essays on her web­site, or have been lucky enough to catch one of her many live shows, you know Katie Stone holds noth­ing back. I’m fair­ly cer­tain I par­tic­i­pat­ed in a Twit­ter poll on whether she should feel bad about answer­ing the door for a deliv­ery after hav­ing not show­ered for 3 days. If you haven’t lived in that glass house, then by all means throw the first…well, you get it.

Katie Stone: The Past

In Part One of their inter­view, Valerie Lopez and Katie Stone dig into how expe­ri­ences in school life set the stage for a career in per­form­ing for an audi­ence. She comes to our fair city from Geor­gia, pass­ing through Tulane Uni­ver­si­ty to nab a major in a lan­guage that has one of my favorite words of all time. (Hint: it’s aus­farht.) While com­e­dy wasn’t at the fore­front of her mind from the begin­ning, a chain of serendip­i­tous events after she arrived in Austin got her back in front of peo­ple with a renewed passion.

Katie Stone: Current

Many know Katie from the Naughty Bits live show and pod­cast, cre­at­ed with local come­di­an Ella Gale. Naughty Bits, now in its sec­ond year, is a delight­ful­ly dirty, and some­times touch­ing (in the good way, per­vs), look at what makes for real­ly good and bad com­e­dy about sex. Be sure and catch the next one on Novem­ber 11th, at The New Move­ment The­ater, which hapens to be one of the last two before Ella Gale moves on from Austin. Stone also runs the week­ly Mega­phone show, Sat­ur­days at 10:30 at The New Move­ment The­ater. In Part Two, Katie explains this unique for­mat and where she hopes to take it. 

You can also find more of Katie Stone around town at shows, open mics, on Insta­gram, and in Sketch videos she’s writ­ten and direct­ed, and those cre­at­ed with oth­ers. Don’t for­get to to fol­low Naughty Bits and Trash Palace on Facebook.

Katie Stone