The State of Jeremiah Watkins

May 11, 2019


2019 Moon­tow­er Com­e­dy Series

In kick­ing off our Moon­tow­er inter­view series, it would only make sense to start with our very first three-peat. Jere­mi­ah Watkins now holds the hon­or (the hon­or is tru­ly ours) of being our first guest to sit down with us three times. It seems to have become a tra­di­tion for Com­e­dy Wham’s Valerie Lopez to catch up with Watkins each year at Moon­tow­er Com­e­dy Fes­ti­val. This year we got a firm com­mit­ment that as long as he’s at the fes­ti­val, the tra­di­tion will continue.

Look­ing at all the projects Jere­mi­ah Watkins has his hands in, it’s impos­si­ble to imag­ine he won’t be back next year. Watkins was so busy this year, he had to catch a rideshare just to make it from one show to the next. We should know, we were in the Lyft behind him, rac­ing from Roast Bat­tle to the God­damn Com­e­dy Jam. Watkins is a long-time mem­ber of The Wave” for the afore­men­tioned Roast Bat­tle, which now tours. He is the road­ie known as Mosh Pit” for The God­damn Com­e­dy Jam, he is the band leader for the pop­u­lar pod­cast Kill Tony, and he hosts his own pod­cast Jere­mi­ah Won­ders. In addi­tion to all of this, Watkins hosts the very pop­u­lar show­case Stand-Up On The Spot, in its eighth year in LA, now at The World Famous Com­e­dy Store.

But wait, there’s more! Watkins is a very tal­ent­ed musi­cian and sax­o­phone play­er with a new com­e­dy album com­ing out with friend and Kill Tony alum, Pat Regan. The duo known as Regan and Watkins release their debut album on June 7th. The album is a musi­cal com­e­dy album with sketch­es pep­pered through­out, harken­ing back to a clas­sic style not often seen today. There’s even a video release for the track Step­dad, fea­tur­ing the one and only Pauly Shore.

You would think that some­one work­ing so hard and short on time might be tough to work with, but Jere­mi­ah Watkins is pret­ty well known for being one of the nicest guys in the busi­ness. When asked how he can stay so pos­i­tive in such a tough indus­try Watkins says, I def­i­nite­ly wish some­times that I was more of a dick because it’s way eas­i­er,” but he con­tin­ues, But it’s so much more grat­i­fy­ing, long term, to be a good per­son and, and be kind to peo­ple.” Watkins exhibits this phi­los­o­phy in each episode of Jere­mi­ah Won­ders as he presents lis­ten­ers with a Kind­ness Chal­lenge.” Watkins shares an act of kind­ness and asks lis­ten­ers to go out and do an act of kind­ness and email that into the show. Dur­ing the seg­ment, Watkins and his guest will read the listener’s act on the show. Guests are also encour­aged to share an act of kind­ness they’ve recent­ly done. It’s a way of try­ing to make these thought­ful kind expe­ri­ences infectious.

I def­i­nite­ly wish some­times that I was more of a dick because it’s way easier…but it’s so much more grat­i­fy­ing, long term, to be a good per­son and, and be kind to people.”

Jere­mi­ah Watkins

So with all the irons Watkins has in the fire, what could he pos­si­bly add to the pile? He’d like to do his own sketch show. The ulti­mate goal for Watkins is to join the cast of Sat­ur­day Night Live. And if that doesn’t hap­pen? Get so famous, like pal Tiffany Had­dish, that they ask you to host the show instead. With all that he’s done so far, we don’t think that goal will be too far off. How­ev­er we imag­ine he’ll have just as many projects going. Pic­ture this: Watkins jump­ing on his pri­vate jet to make it from one show to the next. Maybe we’ll be in the jet behind him.

Jere­mi­ah Watkins is busy as can be, so you have plen­ty of options to see and hear him!

  • Regan and Watkins:

  • June 6th: Album Release Par­ty at The Com­e­dy Store: Main Room

  • June 7th: New album is out on all your favorite music platforms
  • …and new music video com­ing out soon!
  • His­tor­i­cal Roasts on Net­flix debuts on May 27th- All episodes
  • Sub­scribe to Jere­mi­ah Watkins on YouTube
  • New episodes week­ly of Jere­mi­ah Wonders
  • Catch Kill Tony on tour through­out the US this summer
  • Stand-Up On The Spot is every month at The Com­e­dy Store
  • Roast Bat­tle is week­ly at The Com­e­dy Store
  • The God­damn Com­e­dy Jam any­where and any­time you can catch it
    Jeremiah Watkins