Lisa Delarios Makes Some Noise

April 4, 2017


I recent­ly saw Lisa Delar­ios open­ing for Antho­ny Jesel­nik, and knew right away that we had some com­mon­al­i­ty at heart. At the time, I mere­ly believed it to be a painful shy­ness and a love of fart jokes, but when she sat down with Valerie Lopez to talk about her jour­ney into com­e­dy, it turned out there’s quite a bit more.

In a child­hood filled with small town Texas liv­ing, occa­sion­al evan­gel­i­cal para­dox­es, and a pauci­ty of elec­tric­i­ty and indoor plumb­ing at times, Delar­ios grew up in a bit of a drought of pop cul­ture expo­sure. So I (while always blessed with a ful­ly func­tion­al porce­lain throne) imme­di­ate­ly iden­ti­fied with those con­di­tions only allow­ing the rare peek into the com­e­dy con­tem­po­raries of the time like John­ny Car­son and Eddie Mur­phy; these usu­al­ly came in the form of lucky hap­pen­stance at friends’ hous­es and records or tapes (remem­ber those?).

After grow­ing up in Dal­las and then the out­skirts of Tyler, Delar­ios ulti­mate­ly found her­self bit­ten by the com­e­dy bug through a bout of stays in New York. She’s trav­eled between Texas and New York mul­ti­ple times, tak­ing the learn­ing and progress she began build­ing on in the Big Apple and bring­ing it with her as she grows her skills and ded­i­ca­tion to the art. It wasn’t always clear that com­e­dy would be her main pas­sion, but she even­tu­al­ly came to the real­iza­tion that it was the path that had cho­sen her. Lopez and Delar­ios walk through some of the life changes she’s recent­ly made to shift her focus to her cre­ative work, and we’re excit­ed to see where it’s going to take her. 

Delar­ios has a long list of cred­its, includ­ing being fea­tured on Com­e­dy Central’s Live at Gotham, appear­ing in shows across the coun­try, and being on screen in the short film Bev. She per­formed at Moon­tow­er Com­e­dy Fes­ti­val in 2016, and will be appear­ing there again twice this year on April 20th and 22nd, so get your badge or tick­ets now. 

You can also catch her in sev­er­al oth­er upcom­ing shows:

  • April 6th at The Brix­ton
  • April 7th at The Velvee­ta Room for Home­sPUN, a pun off show
  • Keep up with her upcom­ing shows on Face­book, and fol­low her on Insta­gram and Twit­ter.