Jacob Erdman: Keep Swimming, Globally
November 7, 2021
Jacob Erdman
We love when a guest enjoyed their first Comedy Wham Presents interview experience enough to come back for a second round. For returning guest Jacob Erdman – performing in town for the 2021 Altercation Comedy festival – the concept of taking multiple runs at endeavours seems to be in his blood.
In our previous conversation with Erdman, he extolled the virtues of “always be recording”, and keeping moving “like a shark”. Erdman’s professional life has certainly given him the opportunity to prove his dedication to the latter. The 2 year span separating our talks has seen no small amount of travel, a career change, and all the while Erdman has maintained a focus on not only building his own skillset, but supporting the comedy scenes he inhabits as well.
More on the first two life events in just a moment; for now, let’s take a second to cover a bit of the here-and-now. Erdman continues to grow his production company, 970 Comedy, and continually reaching out for comics to perform in Ft Collins, Colorado. “I supply room and board for traveling comics,” he proudly notes, with “an RV that they stay in… and three rooms for shows monthly.” With travel costs no small part of the challenge for performing on the road, it’s an enticing offer indeed. It’s just one of an ever-expanding ways Erdman wants to make the experience of playing – or watching – comedy as painless as possible.
It would be impossible to mention “travel” without delving for a bit into Erdman’s own recent changes of locale. After exiting his former position at Airbus, Erdman hit the road, flying from locales domestic (like Atlanta) to exotic. In the second category, he shares his travels across Cambodia and China, with the culture shock that being a performer can bring, regardless of the size of their following. That’s not to say his performances for Chinese audiences went flawlessly: cue one story of being pelted with beer cans for multiple minutes after a particularly disliked joke!
Inching his way closer back to stateside, Erdman also spent a stint in Costa Rica where – after explaining his “withdrawal symptoms” due to lack of stage time – he negotiated a gig with a semi-distant relation who agreed to grant room and board in lieu of cold hard cash payment. Post-that he hopped through Panama as well, and performed at hostels. At this point I think we can pass the verdict on our earlier question: Erdman is a veritable land-shark, always in motion. It’s part of the secret sauce behind his material as well. “I would say 100% of my jokes are predicated on real life experiences,” he notes, urging fellow comics to “get out there and experience life.”
If all this talk of travel sends a minor chill down your spine, it’s at this point we should note that this was largely in 2019, with Erdman returning to the US right around the beginning of COVID landing here. It’s a time that will remain marked in all our memories, but certainly so in Erdman’s case: he came down with the virus immediately on returning in March 2020, and relates his fear that he was an early “super spreader” across Iowa (and even San Antonio…the man does travel a lot!).
After being “knocked on his butt” for several days, Erdman – in shades of 28 Days Later – to a changed world, where COVID had taken over all of the landscapes, comedy included. As we know of Erdman, he is a big supporter of his comedy communities, and wasn’t going to let a pesky worldwide pandemic get in the way. Armed with an FM transmitter, he set out doing parking lot shows, one of the many creative ways that comics tried to give back (and keep from dipping into savings) in those early shutdown days. As they say, neither rain nor shine would stop him from performing: “I’ve done comedy in a blizzard just holding an umbrella. And I was like, Dude, if that’s not a comedy…”.
Thankfully, Erdman made it through with both his health and love of comedy intact, and as the world slowly pivots back to normal, he’s continued his breakneck pace of performing. In his current professional position in “mortgage inspection” (I won’t pretend to fully understand what that is), travel is again the order of the day, and he’s already put 50,000 miles on his vehicle between March and October of this year.
From Santa Fe to Sedona, and all over the southwest, wherever his day job takes him, Erdman finds a way to get on stage at night. And, as we previously noted, he’s always recording. Whether he’s in top form, or giving away his “free show material” (as he describes it), the tape is running, giving him a chance to analyze after the fact, optimize, and improve.
As we mentioned up top, Erdman is also consistent about applying that personal rigor to supporting others. In case his worldwide itinerary didn’t blow your mind, we completely omitted the bit where he served as a designated school substitute for many pandemic-months (which, like dog years, can seem exponentially longer). Known as “Mr. E” (we can only assume he didn’t let slip his existing nickname: “Birdman”), he made a point of trying to make the experience fun – digital learning or otherwise – and act as a role model for the kids. “Being a positive male influence in that setting is…very important for me,” he relates.
It’s safe to say that being a positive influence in general is core to Erdman’s philosophy, and as we close on his second time with us, it’s a warm welcome from the many months of isolation many of us experienced. He’s working non-stop, in both his day-and-night professions, and is always at the ready to help share in – and guide others to – his success. We urge folks to get out to Colorado, whether on-stage or in the audience, where no doubt Erdman will be waiting with open arms to welcome you.
Of course, with the way he travels, keep your eyes peeled wherever you are…Erdman just might pop up around the next corner in your town.
Follow Jacob
- Twitter — @970Comedy
Jacob can be seen and heard:
- Promoting comedy in Fort Collins, Colorado
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