Do You Know Who Brendon Walsh Is?

December 1, 2017


Fresh off a tour with come­di­an Doug Stan­hope in Sep­tem­ber, Valerie Lopez crafti­ly snagged this week’s guest, Bren­don Walsh, for an inter­view between two sold-out shows at The Velvee­ta Room.

Walsh is a standup, act­ing, and writ­ing pow­er­house, and you’ve def­i­nite­ly run across his work before. On the TV front, he’s worked on mul­ti­ple Com­e­dy Cen­tral series, like Drunk His­to­ry, the now depart­ed @midnight, and is work­ing on a new project with Com­e­dy Cen­tral called Weird Uncles (with his long-time friend and Bone Zone pod­cast part­ner in crime, Randy Liedtke).

He’s also a for­mer Fun­ni­est Per­son in Austin win­ner, and a vet­er­an pod­cast­er with hits – old and new – like Bone Zone and Do You Know Who Jason Segel Is? with Nick Thune. (They lit­er­al­ly call around the coun­try ask­ing peo­ple if they know who Jason Segel is, and, with the mag­ic between Walsh and Thune, it actu­al­ly works beautifully.)

Walsh for­mer­ly made Austin his home, but moved to Los Ange­les in 2009, fol­low­ing the well-tread path of come­di­ans build­ing their careers. He still gets back to Austin when he can and remains a big cham­pi­on of the scene. We can cer­tain­ly for­give him the deltas between vis­its, as – in addi­tion to all of his oth­er projects – he’s also a new dad. (Check out his Insta­gram for pics of the grow­ing fam­i­ly.) While the new cre­ative areas he’s explor­ing keep him ground­ed (phys­i­cal­ly at least) more often, he still has love for the chaos of the open road stand-up expe­ri­ence. Well…love might be a strong word, but Walsh does give Lopez some sol­id advice on mak­ing what can be a har­row­ing expe­ri­ence a bit more enjoyable.

Thanks to Bren­don Walsh for sit­ting down with us. Fol­low him on Twit­ter, Insta­gram, and find more info about his projects at Bren​don​Walsh​.com. Keep an eye out for the upcom­ing Weird Uncles show, and do your­self a favor and sub­scribe to Do You Know Who Jason Segel Is? right away.

Brendon Walsh