Dave Hill Will Try Anything Once

June 8, 2016


Dave Hill’s impact on my comedic pref­er­ences has been noth­ing short of epic. So, while his zip­code may not say Austin, if he’s in town, I’ll be there to watch him perform.

You’ve seen Hill on @midnight (he won his last 3 appear­ances), the Met­al Grasshop­per web series, and you’ve heard him on This Amer­i­can Life, the Dave Hill Pod­cast­ing Explo­sion and host­ing the God­damn Dave Hill Show on WFMU. You may have even read his 2 books (he’s cur­rent­ly on tour sup­port­ing his sec­ond, Dave Hill Does­n’t Live Here Any­more) or his guest columns in the New York Times. Or, maybe you’ve heard of his 90’s band Sons of Elvis or his cur­rent band Val­ley Lodge (their song Go” is the open­ing music for Jon Oliv­er Last Week Tonight on HBO). In any event, I’ve been a big fan of Hill for sev­er­al years and I’m hell-bent on mak­ing sure that every­one knows how great a force he is.

Com­e­dy Wham Presents: Dave Hill

Hill agreed to an inter­view with me dur­ing his book tour stop in Austin and he wax­es poet­ic on many sub­jects: Abe Lin­coln, donuts, Oreo cook­ies, Gor­do’s, fam­i­ly, and being unques­tion­ably awe­some. I think once you give it a lis­ten, you’ll agree. I con­sid­er Hill an hon­orary Aus­ti­nite and if he ever gets sick of New York City, we’d wel­come him here with open arms.

Vis­it his site, Dave Hill Online for appear­ances and activities.

Dave Hill