Cara Connors Goes Straight for the Funny Bone
March 1, 2022
Sela Shiloni
Cara Connors thinks through everything. That’s what I’ve come away with after spending an intense week getting to know this week’s featured guest.
A native of Chicago, she enrolled in Second City standup classes seeking a change of pace to take her mind off of the intense demands of graduate school. She took on more classes and got so much enjoyment out of it she stuck with it. Standup performance was where she thrived and what she threw herself into. Connors grew up performing, but more along the sports route. An accomplished water poloist (polo-ee, polomist, we’re not sure, and we have to wait a few years for the next Summer Olympics to research this), performing on stages wasn’t something she’d ever pursued.
With her newfound dedication to standup, Connor’s adventures took her Toronto, which coincidentally also has a Second City, so she could continue performing and learning. She was achieving her own levels of success and decided to make a move to LA. For her the decision to move to LA as opposed to New York was easy. “I felt like there was more potential to do things In LA versus New York.….I felt like I wouldn’t be too much just on the stand up track initially but also I lived in New York when I was in college and it’s a very miserable place to work comedy for however many years until you get to the point. I think I’d rather do that on the beach.”
And somehow in the course of that move, she landed a role on E!‘s Dating #NoFilter, a commentary show with a rotating pair of hosts. Aside from the odd placement of the hashtag, it proved E!‘s astute sensibilities. The audition process for Connors was maddeningly brief. If you know the audition game, you know it’s a constant grind with many more nos than yeses. But Connors was bubbly, energetic, and well-suited for the camera. She was a natural choice. This opened the door for other opportunities including landing a comedy investigative show Cara Takes on Comedy by OutTV.
Have we not mentioned that Connors is queer? She came out as queer late in life. She was married.…to a man, she quips on stage in one of her most famous lines. And in the process of divorcing from the traditional marriage, she realized that it was time for her authentic queer self to come out. She explores the absurd parallels between straight culture and queer culture on stage. Being queer informs a lot of her choices as a performer. Her monthly LA showcase Straight for Pay features LGBTQ+ comics. And as she prepared her Straight for Pay tour, choosing queer-friendly cities and venues was very important to her, as was selecting local queer openers. More on her Austin choice in a bit. What motivates a successful stand up comic, actress, and producer to hit the road? For Connors, it was a rather simple motivation. She notes “I felt like I got to the point where I knew that I can go out on my own and like I never had a desire to go out on the road.”. We’re glad she did make that jump.
Her Straight for Pay tour is spanning the entire country and Austin is her sole Texas date. She’s never been to Texas, so she prepared for not only her hourlong performance, but enjoying BBQ, and as her Instagram reveals, mechanical bull riding.
You lose the feeling that you’re watching something truly special when you’re seeing it at one of the best small theaters in Austin, the Fallout Theater. I had to remind myself that her Austin show is the ONLY Texas show and the fact that she chose Fallout gives you insight into the astute choices that Connors makes. From the guerilla self-made marketing machine that she’s been in support of this tour, (not only did she reach out to us, she reached out and landed a feature article at the Austin Chronicle) to the choice of theater, to the choice of opener, Connors takes great care with every single detail.
As I settled in to the packed and sold out show, the music piping through the theater was high energy and sing-along worthy. Given Connors’ impeccable attention to detail, I’m sure this was her choice as well. High energy was the theme of the evening. Austin comedy darling and high energy master Angelina Martin opened the show with her delightful non-stop observations on life as a poor person who recently had to quit weed. Each time we’ve seen Martin lately, we fallen deeper in love with her talents — find this quickly rising star before LA or NYC steals her away. After her frenetically paced set, we finally get to meet the star of the Straight for Pay tour, Ms. Cara Connors.
If you’ve been to Fallout Theater, you are no doubt familiar with the faux wall and window that backs the stage. There’s a small gap behind that faux wall and the real wall. It’s barely deep enough for someone to stand in. But what we did not know is that Connors sat crouched behind the wall, hidden from view, during Martin’s entire set and when it was time for Connors to come on stage, she literally crawled through the window, landing on her hands with her legs a tangled mess behind her. All to perfect comedic effect. Without uttering a single word, Connors announced her hilarious arrival to the stage. The show was a wild ride, fast paced at times, peppered with thoughtful passages, and all with Connors moving about the stage (and sometimes off the stage) to engage with her sold out audience. Her character work throughout the show was a blur of impressions — the chill white dude, the political activist, the 9 year old version of Connors, the mom chaperoning a school dance, and so many more. Connors gave it her all for her Austin audience. Actually, one lovely testament to her popularity was seeing a couple after the show who had traveled from Dallas to see Connors. They mentioned how big of fans they were and were so thrilled to have seen her tour date in Texas. I love a good powerpoint presentation and I don’t want to spoil it, just tease, that Connors gifts us at the end of her show with a hilarious presentation. It’s like watching the easter eggs after the movie credits roll. Don’t leave the show until you catch it. If you live near a city of her upcoming tour dates, don’t pass up the chance for a non-stop evening of comedy.
And once she’s wrapped up her tour, keep an eye out for her upcoming TV appearances. She’s a rising star and one we all need to keep an eye on.
Follow Cara
Website — CaraConnors.com
Twitter — @caraconnscomedy
Instagram — @caraconnscomedy
Facebook — Facebook.com/cara.connors
Youtube — Youtube.com/CaraConnors
Cara can be seen and heard:
Straight for Pay National Tour
Straight for Pay — Monthly showcase in Los Angeles
Dating #NoFilter on E!
Cara Takes Up Space on OUTtv
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Valerie Lopez

Valerie Lopez