Andy Huggins Talks TV Stardom and Being a Texas Outlaw

April 30, 2022

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America's Got Talent

2022 Moontower Just For Laughs Comedy Festival Series

The Moontower Comedy Festival has returned in 2022 under the umbrella of Just For Laughs and blessed us with 10 days of comedy, film, live podcast, and afterparties. Comedy Wham is featuring our favorite conversations from this year's festival. Enjoy!

It’s not often that we get the plea­sure of sit­ting down with a guest whose stand-up expe­ri­ences span sev­er­al decades, but such is the won­der­ful case for our guest this week: Andy Hug­gins. (Four and a half decades, to be exact.) How­ev­er, upon lis­ten­ing to this 72-year-old dar­ling of Hous­ton, you’ll quick­ly real­ize that Huggins’s age is prob­a­bly the least inter­est­ing thing about him. That is, unless you count all the rich stuff­ing packed into those years of rock­ing the mic — from open­ing for the likes of Jeff Fox­wor­thy to appear­ing on America’s Got Talent.

Every­body has to start some­where. For Hug­gins, that some­where was Char­lottesville, Vir­ginia. And though Hug­gins seemed con­tent at first to mere­ly talk about the prospect of try­ing stand-up (for months on end), even­tu­al­ly a friend of his decid­ed that enough was enough; it was time to walk the walk. Thus, he offered Hug­gins a spot, per­form­ing between the acts at a folk-singing show. Sure, at the time, Hug­gins was already writ­ing and send­ing out jokes to var­i­ous out­lets with a bit of suc­cess, but this was the first time that his feet got to kiss the stage, and the jokes were com­ing straight from the source. And though he may not remem­ber the exact bits he deliv­ered that day, Hug­gins rea­sons a few prob­a­bil­i­ties: that the jokes were top­i­cal, polit­i­cal, and awful.”

That’s [one-liners] what I’m good at. That’s how my mind works
Andy Huggins

Soon enough, though, Hug­gins found his sig­na­ture style: quick, punchy one-lin­ers. Hav­ing grown up watch­ing The Ed Sul­li­van Show, the rapid-fire set-up, punch” method was more than famil­iar to him. Plus, it was the same brand of humor he’d always employed to elic­it laughs out of friends. That’s what I’m good at. That’s how my mind works,” he explains. Accord­ing to Hug­gins, the art of the punch­line is all about mak­ing the audi­ence mem­bers ask them­selves, “‘Why didn’t I see that com­ing?’” Indeed, Hug­gins recounts the great­est com­pli­ment he ever received — one from his best friend and fel­low com­ic, Jim­my Pineap­ple: He said [to me], The first time I saw you, you sur­prised me with every punch­line you said.’” 

Anoth­er tal­ent that Hug­gins rev­els in these days is … sur­prise: pay­ing bills. Yup, you heard that right. It sounds fun­ny at first, but Hug­gins can eas­i­ly con­jure the mem­o­ries of his alco­hol-fueled days, jug­gling accounts, hav­ing util­i­ties get cut off, and dodg­ing the land­lord. “[My best friend and I], we make our­selves laugh [because] we take such pride in pay­ing bills on time. I feel like strut­ting around the apart­ment when I get online and pay a bill and it’s done.” In fact, Hug­gins admits that it wasn’t until about age 60 that he final­ly got his life togeth­er. I had no career, no ambi­tion. I didn’t know what I was doing, at all. When I think back on it, just, I’m so grate­ful for the life I have now,” he beams.

I'm so grateful for the life I have now
Andy Huggins

To be fair, Hug­gins rec­og­nized the drink­ing prob­lem pret­ty ear­ly on. I gave myself a very stern lec­ture: You can’t drink, Andy. This is going to be too dif­fi­cult. You can’t afford to drink,’” he recalls. Of course, the straight and nar­row path is just that: nar­row, and the path of temp­ta­tion is wide open and wel­com­ing, espe­cial­ly in the world of com­e­dy, where you’re sur­round­ed by bars and peo­ple that enjoy their drink. I was hav­ing fun doing stand-up and hav­ing fun being out and about, and so, slow­ly, the drink­ing crept back into my life,” he states. It wasn’t until about ten years into his career that he final­ly reached sobri­ety. Before then, he was no stranger to a black­out night — includ­ing, in par­tic­u­lar, a per­for­mance in Oma­ha that remains shroud­ed in mys­tery to this day; all Hug­gins remem­bers about that set is the dread­ful expe­ri­ence of wak­ing up the next day total­ly clue­less and the mirac­u­lous­ness of some­how not get­ting fired. 

It wasn’t until his sobri­ety that Hug­gins real­ized yet anoth­er side effect of the drink­ing: He had stopped writ­ing. I had no ener­gy for it. My head wasn’t clear,” he reflects. And I got bored with my act because I was just doing the same thing over and over again. So, I start­ed talk­ing to the audi­ence … doing crowd work, which I was very good at.” Fun­ni­ly enough, despite his appar­ent knack for off-the-cuff inter­ac­tions, once Hug­gins began putting pen to paper again, he real­ized that he much pre­ferred his writ­ten mate­r­i­al. I have no inter­est in talk­ing to the crowd [now],” he laughs.

Though Hug­gins recounts his past as being plagued by irre­spon­si­bil­i­ty, it was also full of prov­i­dence. Upon his move from Vir­ginia to Los Ange­les, Cal­i­for­nia, Hug­gins was blessed” to be made a reg­u­lar at the Com­e­dy Store — passed by Mitzi after only his sec­ond time onstage. 

This priv­i­lege was espe­cial­ly grat­i­fy­ing for Hug­gins because it meant he could hang out back­stage. And it was the first time I was ever around comics,” he recalls. I was real­ly impressed with meet­ing some of the peo­ple I’d been watch­ing on TV for sev­er­al years, like Jay Leno … David Let­ter­man …” Though Hug­gins grants that there prob­a­bly was a cul­ture shock of sorts from the cross-coun­try move, it felt com­fort­able being around my tribe,” he states. I most­ly remem­ber relief and com­fort, final­ly where I’m sup­posed to be.”

I mostly remember relief and comfort, finally where I’m supposed to be
Andy Huggins on The Comedy Store in Los Angeles, California

Even­tu­al­ly, though, the stage time began to dwin­dle. Even the work at the Com­e­dy Store was becom­ing chop­py and unpre­dictable. Resul­tant­ly, more and more of Huggins’s com­ic friends were mak­ing the move to Hous­ton, Texas, where they were becom­ing reg­u­lars at The Com­e­dy Work­shop. They called me up one day and said, Andy, there’s more stage time for you in Hous­ton.’ And that’s all I need­ed to hear,” he explains. Indeed, the stage time in Hous­ton was plen­ti­ful (and it paid those pesky bills he’d been dodg­ing). It was there that Hug­gins became one of the Texas Out­law Comics” — a name borne out of an out­law-themed show they ran in Hous­ton and lat­er decid­ed to revive. To be hon­est with you, we didn’t do all that many shows … but peo­ple still talk about it, part­ly because Bill [Hicks] and Ron Shock were in it, and they were very pop­u­lar indi­vid­u­al­ly, of course. But I tell you what,” Hug­gins is sure to add, how­ev­er many shows we did, they were fun.”

Final­ly, we would be remiss if we didn’t men­tion the oppor­tu­ni­ty that let Amer­i­ca fall in love with Hug­gins: his appear­ance on America’s Got Tal­ent. Of the expe­ri­ence — played to his biggest audi­ence yet — Hug­gins remem­bers the scene back­stage in par­tic­u­lar, see­ing the numer­ous dif­fer­ent acts all rehears­ing, inter­view­ing, and hang­ing out, not to men­tion the 87 pro­duc­ers,” accord­ing to Huggin’s rec­ol­lec­tion. I think it helped calm my nerves just to be dis­tract­ed by all this that was going on around me,” he notes. Then, some­thing extra­or­di­nary hap­pened (besides Huggins’s great set): judge Howie Man­del rec­og­nized Hug­gins from four decades pri­or, when they were young comics just start­ing out. I think I was the first per­son to intro­duce Howie at the Com­e­dy Store … the first time he had per­formed [there],” Hug­gins states. The serendip­i­tous moment of recog­ni­tion was even cap­tured in the TV edit.

These days, Huggins’s age is an asset, if any­thing. After all, his favorite thing about stand-up is the ele­ment of sur­prise, and sur­prise he does. When I walk on stage, I think they antic­i­pate, you know, not just dad jokes, but grand­dad jokes — you know, cardi­gan sweater jokes. And so, I sur­prise them with the tone, and occa­sion­al­ly the lan­guage, and just the atti­tude,” he mus­es. And we can’t wait to see how he con­tin­ues to shock and amuse us all in the decades yet to come.

(P.S. If you were at that drunk­en show in Oma­ha all those years ago, I think we’d all love to know what Huggins’s set was like — Andy included.)

Andy's Kickstarter Campaign for his First Comedy Special

At the time of this writing, a Kickstarter campaign was in full effect to fund the filming and production of Andy's first comedy special. If you are moved by his story, we encourage you to support his effort!

Help Fund Andy's Comedy Special Kickstarter Campaign

Fol­low Andy 

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Andy Huggins