Amanda Van Nostrand is Taking All the Steps
April 11, 2022
Scott Johnson
The inaugural Lysistrata Comedy Festival, based in New Orleans, welcomed Valerie Lopez for a live Comedy Wham Presents podcast recording. Enjoy!

This is (and we know we say this often) a very special episode and article. It is our first live podcast event at a festival. Not just any festival but an all female festival in its first year and organized by Rochelle McConico, who we recently interviewed, and who writes our recurring column Rochelle Takes on Comedy. The Lysistrata Comedy Festival in New Orleans was an incredible experience and Valerie Lopez had the honor of interviewing Amanda Van Nostrand, a name you’ll be hearing and seeing more from over the coming years.
With her start in Denver as a self-professed ham, Van Nostrand got an early start in performance as part of a summer drama program, but that only cemented a passion for performance she had as early as kindergarten when she declare – with the unbridled confidence of a 6 year ol – that she wanted to be an actress. She joined the typical high school fare for future performers: choir and theater. As an aside, if you listen to this episode (maybe this is just me who is inevitably responsible for the sound editing of our podcast episodes), you will recognize the clear diction and impeccable projection of a choir and theater trained performer.
Her hometown of Denver did not provide the performance opportunities that our ham-in-chief was craving. She admits, “I felt like my energy didn’t match the city at all.” Once school was over for Van Nostrand, you can probably visualize the cartoon image of a character with the whirl of legs racing out of the scene with a plume of fire and smoke in what was left behind. While she’s far too nice to have burned any bridges as she chased her dream in New York, she sees no need to return.
The starry eyed arrival to NYC was tempered by some personal difficulties, but she vowed to herself “you better fucking make it girl. Because if you don’t you’re moving back.” Since she knew she didn’t want to come back to Denver, her fate was sealed and she immersed herself in auditions, improv, and theater. She’s been in NYC for a while now, but the thing that piqued my interest is a bit more recent. Moms on the Go is a web series which Van Nostrand and fellow performer Robert Allen dreamed up in the course of post-improv performances. The series, where Van Nostrand portrays Sheryl Castellano, celebrates the absurd things moms say and do. Van Nostrand’s strong character work is evident. With her trained experience and her work as an improv and theater performer, the strength of Van Nostrand’s character work is not surprising.
What IS surprising (and what you’ll hear caught on the hilarious episode) is that Van Nostrand is also a standup comic! What? Who knew? Well, apparently everyone but Valerie! Adding standup to her impressive list of skills has boosted her overall abilities, but only recently has her life started to bring bigger and bigger opportunities. The types of opportunities that make you run from paid work like being an office manager (EEEW!!). She’s filmed Hack My Life, a silly exploration of life hacks on TruTV. Van Nostrand served as Office Mack, a series regular. Things have picked up the pace more recently with Van Nostrand picking up parts in movies.
As we discuss that “in between” stage of life (between the starving artist and the slightly less so, but still working a day job artist), Van Nostrand gets introspective. “They don’t tell us this, that all of these experiences filter into sort of all of the things that you end up doing”, she states. From being laser focused on acting as a kindergartner to getting out of Denver, to pursuing all the different experiences since landing in NYC, they bring Van Nostrand to today. To add a future bumper sticker element, she states “life is not a straight line.” No, it certainly is not, nor should it be. Whether things are going well, not so well, a mix of both, all of the experiences feed into the thing we are chasing at the moment. Van Nostrand is chasing so many things these days — writing, acting, standup, improv, sketch, her production company It Could Be Worse Productions, and podcasting.
For Van Nostrand, being inquisitive and introspective made her the perfect interview guest, so it shouldn’t be surprising that she has her own podcast, I Have a Question! In the podcast she explores the topics we all have questions about, but rather than rely on the fellow comedian in search of the funniest hot take, she seeks out subject matter experts in politics, mental health, social justice and gives us all a riveting way to become well-informed as well as entertained.
In another first, Van Nostrand was the first interview guest to ever ask for my notecards (full of scribbled notes, planned questions, and all in detailed outline form). I was both honored and also instantly bonded to Van Nostrand for the gesture. That’s part of her magic, I found. She is THAT person who loves being a ham, but she also wants you to feel like you’re a very important part of the party. We’ll leave you on this final visual, of Van Nostrand balancing a growing number of spinning plates. This might give her some anxiety to realize that she is balancing so much, but from our vantage point, she’s doing all the thing she set out to do when she left her home. When you’ve lived your life appreciating that nothing happens in a straight line process, you realize spinning plates is par for the course. That should serve as inspiration to all of us.
A big thank you to the 2022 Lysistrata Comedy Festival for having us!
Follow Amanda
- Website — amandavan.com
- Twitter — @AmandaVanNos
- Instagram — @amandavannos
- Vimeo — Vimeo.com/icbw
- Youtube — Youtube.com/ICBW
Amanda can be seen and heard
- Podcast — I Have a Question! with Amanda Van Nostrand
- Hosted Show — Let’s Do This Again (monthly at Mama Tried in Brooklyn)
- Videos
- Moms on the Go Youtube series
- Tech Bettys web series
- Film/TV
- Hack My Life (TruTV)
- Timing (Amazon)
- Fear Obligation Guilt (film coming soon)
- Hello Beautiful (series coming soon)
- Production company “It Could Be Worse”
Special thank you to Rochelle McConico, Jess Scott, Denise Jena, and Candace Robertson as co-producers of the Lysistrata Comedy Festival.
Thank you to Jon Reynolds for the audio recording.
Thank you to Matt Farley of Motern Media for the intro music.

Valerie Lopez

Valerie Lopez