2017 Moontower Comedy Festival in Pictures

April 29, 2017

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Anoth­er year, anoth­er Moon­tow­er Com­e­dy Fes­ti­val, and anoth­er great week­end of com­e­dy. Sat­ur­day night wrapped up a week­end of packed venues, laugh­ing crowds, come­di­ans bring­ing their A‑game, and a 7ft sad clown with a gold­en voice. I could drop a thou­sand or more words about my expe­ri­ence, but why do that if a sin­gle pic­ture is worth a thou­sand words a piece? Enjoy the show:

Our own Valerie Lopez at the God­damned Com­e­dy Jam
Tony Hinch­cliffe cel­e­brat­ing at the Ping Pong Slapdown
Amber Bix­by at The Velv
Pud­dles Pity Par­ty head­lined the State­side Theater
Ian Ambram­son host­ing 7 Min­utes in Purgatory
Matt Sadler dur­ing Austin Towers
Antone’s host­ed sev­er­al shows and podcasts
Mike MacRae at The Townsend
Fight­er and the Kid brought their pod­cast to Moontower

We hope you enjoyed the 10,000 words, and we hope to see you at next year’s Moon­tow­er Com­e­dy Fest.


The Com­e­dy Wham Crew