Devon Walker: No Retreat, No Surrender

October 17, 2016


Fans of the Moon­tow­er Com­e­dy Fes­ti­val, will no doubt remem­ber a his­toric Piran­ha per­for­mance when Devon Walk­er was one of the first come­di­ans to turn the Shark Tank style con­test on its head. His rise to noto­ri­ety wasn’t easy, but a rocky start didn’t keep him down. Get­ting up — get­ting bet­ter and bet­ter — it’s the sig­na­ture of a future star. 

Born in Wash­ing­ton but raised as an Austin native (with some Pflugerville thrown in. We don’t judge), Walk­er threw on a George Strait shirt, went back to the mic, and immersed him­self in the vibrant local com­e­dy scene… all the while simul­ta­ne­ous­ly pock­et­ing a pret­ty unique Master’s Degree in a sub­ject you’ll nev­er guess.

Devon Walk­er: The Past

In addi­tion to reg­u­lar appear­ances at Cap City Com­e­dy Club, Walk­er recent­ly tack­led his first Fun­ni­est Per­son in Austin set, and is already plan­ning for next year. You may also have seen him at local main­stay shows and venues like Sure Thing, The Spi­der­house Ball­room, and Strange Brew Cof­fee. Short­ly after this inter­view, Devon was also announced as one of the new co-hosts along with Ali­son O’Con­nor, of Buz­zkill Com­e­dy on Wednes­day nights at Buzzmill Coffee.

Devon Walk­er: Current

His con­fi­dence and dis­ci­pline come through as he and Valerie dis­cuss his plans to put all his chips on com­e­dy. Between his Master’s Degree (which turns out to pair per­fect­ly with his dri­ve and strat­e­gy) and his seem­ing­ly bot­tom­less opti­mism and con­fi­dence, Devon has set his sights on a bright future in Austin com­e­dy and beyond. As you might’ve guessed, Walk­er is a busy dude so check out his Face­book page for upcom­ing events and appearances. 

Gra­tu­itous free­bie: Here’s a bonus clip from ATX Uncensored(ish) of Devon Walk­er, Kath Bar­badoro, and more as they take offense to, well, just about everything.

Devon Walker