Valerie Lopez

Richard Goodwin
- Jan 12 (Friday), 11pm: Live Gross Lonely Boys podcast at The Velv
- Jan 13 (Saturday), 7pm: Chortle Portal at Taos Co-op
This week’s guest finally let Valerie Lopez cross off one of her major bingo card desires: interviewing the third of the three members of the Gross Lonely Boys podcast. Along with Enzo Priesnitz and Danny Goodwin, Andrew Clarkston has filled out the trio of one of the most loved podcasts in Austin hosted by comedians. (Yes there are are many, and quite good ones at that.) Asked why people love it, our guest simply responded: “Why? It’s not good…” We humbly beg to differ: it’s a high energy affair (like Clarkston himself), and brings some of the funniest people in Austin as guests to make the boys better boys.
Growing up near Houston, TX, Clarkston spent a good many hours glued to the TV. Many kids do, and some build aspirations of appearing in the glowing box, but rarely does an identification of self come so early. Clarkston spent countless hours with shows like Cosby and Seinfeld, and decided pretty quickly that comedy was going to be his ticket to fame, or, at the very least, fulfillment.
From a college sketch show with Andrew Dismukes (called That’s Awesome) to his first open mic in 2014, Clarkson quickly began learning that comedy is anything but the rote delivery of the sitcom world. His progression is clear in his lively, high energy stage presence (“Basically I yell,” Clarkston says), and unique sets. He’s recorded practically every single appearance on stage since the first, to analyze and diversify; the count at interview time in 2018 was an astounding 973, but by the time you read this that number’s no doubt been surpassed.
In addition to Gross Lonely Boys, Clarkston has competed in Funniest Person in Austin every year since 2015, appeared in and written for the stage roast show Spite Club, and co-founded Chortle Portal with Andrew Dismukes. (That’s 200% the amount of Andrews in one show, if you’re counting.) He stays laser focused on comedy (“what else am I gonna do?” he rhetorically asks), and continues to polish his writing skills, a part of the process he particularly relishes.
Clarkston’s perspective on how comedy found – and defined – him is fascinating. Check out the interview to hear much more about his background, perspective, the founding of Gross Lonely Boys, and where you will (and a few places you probably won’t) be able to catch him on stage.

Valerie Lopez

Richard Goodwin