Valerie Lopez

David Thomas
Fair warning, I may fanboy this article a bit.
I’ve had a professional friendship with Maggie Maye for several years now — four, five? I can’t recall. I do know that this incredibly talented comedian has expanded her comfort zone and horizon exponentially since I first saw her on the Punch Comedy Showcase at Cap City years ago. Her energy and enthusiasm on stage is as much a part of her set as her jokes about growing up in Rio Grande Valley in Texas.
Maye grew up smarter than most. Reading at four and switching the TV from Sesame Street (boring), to watching Joan Rivers on Hollywood Squares made her love comedy at a very early age. Besides the late great Joan Rivers, Maggie Maye found inspiration in Whoopie Goldberg’s comedy work along with Chris Rock and others.
Comedy Wham Presents: Maggie Maye
Despite double majoring in marketing and television production during her first stint in college, Maggie Maye found herself hanging with the theater kids and trying to get in on their projects. After a little time on the sidelines, she auditioned and quickly become a cast member. Later, Maye found herself at UT Austin taking classes to prepare herself for the illustrious, high-risk career of Pharmacy. Then she discovered the Velveeta Room.
With a list of credits as long as the river she grew up near, Maggie Maye has a bright future. I enjoy her sets so much that whenever Moontower Comedy Festival comes around, I make sure I see her perform. This is despite the fact I can catch her anytime of year, or could. It’s bittersweet to say Maggie Maye is Austin’s latest comedy export to Los Angeles. It’s hard earned and well deserved. Sure, it’s gonna suck not seeing regularly at Punch! or in the FPIA contest but I’m confident her hard work will land her a Netflix special, and that my friends would be awesome. In the meantime, check out Maggie Maye’s website for appearances and shows.

Valerie Lopez

David Thomas