Maggie Maye Has Something To Say To You

February 20, 2017


Valerie Lopez


David Thomas


Fair warn­ing, I may fan­boy this arti­cle a bit.

I’ve had a pro­fes­sion­al friend­ship with Mag­gie Maye for sev­er­al years now — four, five? I can’t recall. I do know that this incred­i­bly tal­ent­ed come­di­an has expand­ed her com­fort zone and hori­zon expo­nen­tial­ly since I first saw her on the Punch Com­e­dy Show­case at Cap City years ago. Her ener­gy and enthu­si­asm on stage is as much a part of her set as her jokes about grow­ing up in Rio Grande Val­ley in Texas.

Maye grew up smarter than most. Read­ing at four and switch­ing the TV from Sesame Street (bor­ing), to watch­ing Joan Rivers on Hol­ly­wood Squares made her love com­e­dy at a very ear­ly age. Besides the late great Joan Rivers, Mag­gie Maye found inspi­ra­tion in Whoop­ie Gold­berg’s com­e­dy work along with Chris Rock and others.

Com­e­dy Wham Presents: Mag­gie Maye

Despite dou­ble major­ing in mar­ket­ing and tele­vi­sion pro­duc­tion dur­ing her first stint in col­lege, Mag­gie Maye found her­self hang­ing with the the­ater kids and try­ing to get in on their projects. After a lit­tle time on the side­lines, she audi­tioned and quick­ly become a cast mem­ber. Lat­er, Maye found her­self at UT Austin tak­ing class­es to pre­pare her­self for the illus­tri­ous, high-risk career of Phar­ma­cy. Then she dis­cov­ered the Velvee­ta Room.

With a list of cred­its as long as the riv­er she grew up near, Mag­gie Maye has a bright future. I enjoy her sets so much that when­ev­er Moon­tow­er Com­e­dy Fes­ti­val comes around, I make sure I see her per­form. This is despite the fact I can catch her any­time of year, or could. It’s bit­ter­sweet to say Mag­gie Maye is Austin’s lat­est com­e­dy export to Los Ange­les. It’s hard earned and well deserved. Sure, it’s gonna suck not see­ing reg­u­lar­ly at Punch! or in the FPIA con­test but I’m con­fi­dent her hard work will land her a Net­flix spe­cial, and that my friends would be awe­some. In the mean­time, check out Mag­gie Maye’s web­site for appear­ances and shows.

Maggie Maye