A Class Clown Moves to Austin
Vanessa Gonzalez, grew up in Laredo and after high school, the class clown made her way to San Marcos and Texas State University. Here she grew her love of acting and comedy. She got her first sketch gig in 2009 with the Latino Comedy Project. After that wrapped up, she met Chris Trew. If I may digress for a moment, I am considering changing the name of this site to People Who Know Chris Trew Dot Com. Anyway, it was around this time he was getting The New Movement Theater on its feet and Gonzalez hopped on the improv train.
In 2013, when Jeff Whitaker wanted to revolutionize sketch comedy in Austin and formed Bad Example. Vanessa Gonzalez was on board has been a member since its inception. When I saw their Christmas show in December, I very much enjoyed Gonzalez’ timing and the awareness she had of her characters.

Going Solo With a One Person Show
When we chatted after the show, she told me of her one person show called I Don’t Know Dating. In my writing classes, I was always told to write about what I know. The same goes for comedy. Vanessa Gonzalez knows about the idiosyncrasies of being single in the modern age. She knows about being self conscious and unsure, and she knows how to laugh at it.
The show is a series of sketches with Gonzalez playing the main character and the audience is sometimes a passive character. The sketches center on the awkward world of dating. They poke fun at her insecurity, and interactions with the opposite sex. One particular sketch has her playing a male character literally lives out typical excuses men use to not call a girl back: Dead grandma’s, lost phones, etc.

If we can’t laugh at ourselves, then what do we have? Dating is rife with awkward moments and I am glad Vanessa Gonzalez is willing to pull out a magnifying glass and explore those uncomfortable moments. I am looking forward to seeing I Don’t Know Dating, because even at my age, I still don’t know women. Sometimes I look at my wife and wonder what’s going on in her head. Maybe this will provide some insight. If anything, it will provide some laughs.
Time and Location
I Don’t Know Dating will be featured the first three Mondays in February at the Spider House Ballroom. Tickets and $5.00 general admission and $2.00 with a student I.D. But before Gonzalez does this, she’s taking on the road to the San Francisco Sketch Fest.Feel free to follow me on Twitter: @ElDavidThomas